Ken lounging at
Chez Nous

Bren lounging at
Chez Nous

Megan and Ken

Jeff and Ken

Bren and Jeff advertising for IF

Bren on route to the Col
du Coq
Brian, Me and Bren on the Col
du Coq
Bren summit of Col
du Coq in the
Brian and Bren summit of the Col
du Coq
Brian, me and Bren checking out the road below the tunnel in the
Bren and Ken at the Col
du Ornon
Ken somewhere in the
Cute little baby in the
Somewhere in the
Chartreuse, the Col
du Porte
Yummy fresh
eau potable everywhere on a ride

On route to the
Alpe du Grand Serre
Bren at the top of the
Alpe du Grand
Bren somewhere on route to the Col
du Ornon
Ken, me and Brian after the
Alpe du Grand
Bren at the base of the Col
du Ornon